Ascension of Christ into Heaven
Biblical Accounts in the Gospels
The Ascension of Jesus (Gospel of Luke)
“Then he led them out as far as Bethany, and, lifting up his hands, he blessed them. While he was blessing them, he withdrew from them and was carried up into heaven. And they worshiped him, and[ returned to Jerusalem with great joy; and they were continually in the temple blessing God.”
Luke 24:50-53 NRSV
The Ascension of Jesus (Gospel of Luke)
“Then he led them out as far as Bethany, and, lifting up his hands, he blessed them. While he was blessing them, he withdrew from them and was carried up into heaven. And they worshiped him, and[ returned to Jerusalem with great joy; and they were continually in the temple blessing God.”
Luke 24:50-53 NRSV
The Ascension of Jesus (Gospel of Mark)
”So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.”
Mark 16:19 NRSV
”So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.”
Mark 16:19 NRSV
Pope Francis:
Ascension, Jesus left for Heaven; his disciples left to go into the world world
This is how Pope Francis described the Solemnity of the Ascension, which is celebrated 40 days after Easter (or the following Sunday) . Speaking to the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square for the recitation of the Regina Caeli , the Pope explained, "Jesus leaves, he ascends to heaven, that is, returns to the Father from whom he had been sent into the world. But this is not a separation, because He remains with us forever, in a new form ... Jesus remains present and active in the affairs of human history with the power and the gifts of his Spirit, He is right beside each of us: even if we cannot see him with our own eyes, He is there! He accompanies us , guides us, He takes us by the hand and raises us when we fall. . . .” Pope Francis
Ascension, Jesus left for Heaven; his disciples left to go into the world world
This is how Pope Francis described the Solemnity of the Ascension, which is celebrated 40 days after Easter (or the following Sunday) . Speaking to the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square for the recitation of the Regina Caeli , the Pope explained, "Jesus leaves, he ascends to heaven, that is, returns to the Father from whom he had been sent into the world. But this is not a separation, because He remains with us forever, in a new form ... Jesus remains present and active in the affairs of human history with the power and the gifts of his Spirit, He is right beside each of us: even if we cannot see him with our own eyes, He is there! He accompanies us , guides us, He takes us by the hand and raises us when we fall. . . .” Pope Francis
193:0.1 The sixteenth morontia manifestation of Jesus occurred on Friday, May 5, in the courtyard of Nicodemus, about nine o'clock at night. On this evening the Jerusalem believers had made their first attempt to get together since the resurrection. Assembled here at this time were the eleven apostles, the women's corps and their associates, and about fifty other leading disciples of the Master, including a number of the Greeks. This company of believers had been visiting informally for more than half an hour when, suddenly, the morontia Master appeared in full view and immediately began to instruct them. Said Jesus:
193:0.2 "Peace be upon you. This is the most representative group of believers—apostles and disciples, both men and women—to which I have appeared since the time of my deliverance from the flesh. I now call you to witness that I told you beforehand that my sojourn among you must come to an end; I told you that presently I must return to the Father. And then I plainly told you how the chief priests and the rulers of the Jews would deliver me up to be put to death, and that I would rise from the grave. Why, then, did you allow yourselves to become so disconcerted by all this when it came to pass? and why were you so surprised when I rose from the tomb on the third day? You failed to believe me because you heard my words without comprehending the meaning thereof.
193:0.3 "And now you should give ear to my words lest you again make the mistake of hearing my teaching with the mind while in your hearts you fail to comprehend the meaning. From the beginning of my sojourn as one of you, I taught you that my one purpose was to reveal my Father in heaven to his children on earth. I have lived the God-revealing bestowal that you might experience the God-knowing career. I have revealed God as your Father in heaven; I have revealed you as the sons of God on earth. It is a fact that God loves you, his sons. By faith in my word this fact becomes an eternal and living truth in your hearts. When, by living faith, you become divinely God-conscious, you are then born of the spirit as children of light and life, even the eternal life wherewith you shall ascend the universe of universes and attain the experience of finding God the Father on Paradise.
193:0.1 The sixteenth morontia manifestation of Jesus occurred on Friday, May 5, in the courtyard of Nicodemus, about nine o'clock at night. On this evening the Jerusalem believers had made their first attempt to get together since the resurrection. Assembled here at this time were the eleven apostles, the women's corps and their associates, and about fifty other leading disciples of the Master, including a number of the Greeks. This company of believers had been visiting informally for more than half an hour when, suddenly, the morontia Master appeared in full view and immediately began to instruct them. Said Jesus:
193:0.2 "Peace be upon you. This is the most representative group of believers—apostles and disciples, both men and women—to which I have appeared since the time of my deliverance from the flesh. I now call you to witness that I told you beforehand that my sojourn among you must come to an end; I told you that presently I must return to the Father. And then I plainly told you how the chief priests and the rulers of the Jews would deliver me up to be put to death, and that I would rise from the grave. Why, then, did you allow yourselves to become so disconcerted by all this when it came to pass? and why were you so surprised when I rose from the tomb on the third day? You failed to believe me because you heard my words without comprehending the meaning thereof.
193:0.3 "And now you should give ear to my words lest you again make the mistake of hearing my teaching with the mind while in your hearts you fail to comprehend the meaning. From the beginning of my sojourn as one of you, I taught you that my one purpose was to reveal my Father in heaven to his children on earth. I have lived the God-revealing bestowal that you might experience the God-knowing career. I have revealed God as your Father in heaven; I have revealed you as the sons of God on earth. It is a fact that God loves you, his sons. By faith in my word this fact becomes an eternal and living truth in your hearts. When, by living faith, you become divinely God-conscious, you are then born of the spirit as children of light and life, even the eternal life wherewith you shall ascend the universe of universes and attain the experience of finding God the Father on Paradise.